Carl, Joe (2x!), James, Bob, Janey, Jim and ultimate winner
Judy from Greenfield Park,
together we accumulated $94 to donate to the Philipstown Food Pantry this holiday season!And of course I couldn't have done it without the VKR DJ celebri-tees Nick DeLayy (Big Blue Kitchen), Andy Tokash (Folk, Rock & Roots), Jay Spica (Thin Air) ,Vince Vincent (Jukebox Jamboree), and the ultimate game playa--Primitive George (The Primitive Show). Thanks to Bill Eberlee, Frank of The Vinyl Triumph and especially Lyn The She Devil for their support as well, even though they could not make the actual show.
I played a few tunes. Here:
So when WILL I be back on the air? Keep checking this site weekly for updates. Right now it's scheduled for the first Friday in February, but it could be sooner!
Happy Holidays, and thanks for all YOUR support!