Sounded a tad different today, did it not? Courtesy of avid VKR listener Sam The Tattoo Man who so generously pledged the minimum amount of $250 (PLUS!) in order to get a guest spot on the show of his choice. I'm honored that he chose my show, unless of course, he figured I sucked so badly that he'd finally get to hear something GOOD for a change between 3 and 5! Hmmm...
Sam got a firsthand look at how crazy it gets, cuing up the records, filling out the online log, dealing with PSAs, handling the phones, all the while trying to figure out something relatively interesting to say once it's time to speak.
I'd like to put in my recommendation that based on what I heard today (Sam also guested on Primitive George's show), that station brass give him his own regular show pronto!
Speaking of Primitive George, he took the new photo of me that appears on the profile page as well as the one of the two Sams above. Thanks, Georgie, there's really no one else like you.
Would love to hear your feedback--post a public comment or privately
Next week it's 2 solid hours of November 21, 1968 memories to make up for what we didn't get to today. Tune in 3 ro 5pm immediately following the truly awesome Primitive Show.
Thanks for listening!
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