Friday, April 10, 2009

April 10 Playlist + Sammy's PSA + Greyounds Live

Wow, lotsa great phone pheedback from you guys! THANKS!!

All the records on today's show were just coming on the charts right around this week in either 1965, '66 or '67, probably THE best years for music EVER. I coulda filled a FOUR hour show and still not run outta good tunes. Here's what ya heard:

I read a PSA at the beginning and end of the show that I wrote myself. I cannot beLIEVE the amount of trash and litter I'm seeing on the roads this Spring. I took a tall kitchen bag and walked down my street and filled the thing within 10 minutes. What compels someone to throw garbage out a car window? And notice it's mostly fast food, cigarette, or alcohol-related trash. sigh....

I guess people who don't respect their bodies don't respect their planet, either. Shameful.

And it'll be a doggone shame if you miss rockabilly band The Greyhounds playing LIVE at The Brass Rail on Route 9 at the Holiday Inn Saturday April 18 beginning at 10pm. I'll be there for sure and I'm gonna try to corral as many VKR DJs to join me. You be there. Email me for more info.

Hope your holidays are safe and joyous; Thanks for listening and Happy Birthday Eatabone!!!


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